
When he first started considering the act of cooking as a viable career, Chef Hermes Pinto thought he was one of the first to approach food as something objectively measurable. As he soon found out, he was not. Not wanting to have to reinvent the wheel, he decided to study.

Long term, Chef Hermes wants to master all the present cooking techniques, so that they come easy and naturally to him. Short term, however, he will be satisfied by learning new techniques – recipes, while tools of the trade, are not something that he is after.

In order to make it achievable, he has decided to keep a journal of sorts, where he compiles and analyzes what he has learned. Every week, he adds his new knowledge and studies how it relates to what he already knows – allowing him to receive feedback and to discover how best to focus his approach. If he doesn’t see an improvement every two weeks at most, he knows he needs to review his strategy.